Memorable Quotes from PCU

PCU is a cult classic comedy film from the 90s that is chock full of memorable quotes that have become iconic among fans. From Droz’s What’s this? You’re wearing the shirt of the band you’re going to see? Don’t be that guy to Gutter’s Don’t be that guy catchphrase, the film is full of quick wit and clever one-liners that have stood the test of time. Whether it’s Tom’s inspirational speech about individuality or Rand’s sarcastic quips about political correctness, the dialogue in PCU is sharp, funny, and timeless.

pcu quotes


Memorable Quotes from PCU

Memorable Quotes from PCU brings together a collection of hilarious, insightful, and thought-provoking lines from the cult classic comedy film. From the witty banter between the rebellious Droz and the hapless Tom to the outrageous rants of the politically correct activist Rand, this compilation captures the essence of the film’s wacky, irreverent humor. With quotes like What’s this? You’re wearing the shirt of the band you’re going to see? Don’t be that guy, and PCU ain’t nothing! You are gone… gone! You are outta here! You’re not gonna graduate! this collection is sure to have you laughing out loud and reminiscing about your own college days.

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1. Hey, all I ever wanted was an honest week’s pay for an honest day’s work. -Droz
2. We’re not gonna protest! We’re gonna party! -Droz
3. I’m not a student. I’m a drop-out! -Rand McPherson
4. You know, for a campus cop, you’re pretty cool. -Rand McPherson
5. Maybe I screwed up, maybe you screwed up, maybe we all screwed up! -Droz
6. We’ll be working for the rest of our lives, so we might as well party while we can. -Droz
7. I forgot my constitutional right to party! -Tom
8. Let me tell you the problem with college kids today. They’re not learning anything. -President Garcia-Thompson
9. What’s this, the dance of the living dead? -Rand McPherson
10. We’re here to try to have a good time. So, let’s have a good time. -Droz
11. Life at the Pit isn’t for everyone. But if you can handle it, it’s one hell of a ride. -Droz
12. The world won’t end if I fail organic chemistry, but it might if I miss a party. -Droz
13. These kids today, they want everything handed to them on a silver platter. Well, I say screw that. Just give me the platter. -Rand McPherson
14. You can’t wear a t-shirt unless you never wore a draft card in your pocket. -Rand McPherson
15. It’s not just a shirt, it’s a way of life. -Rand McPherson
16. What are you, some kind of sissy? -Rand McPherson
17. You have to remember, I was never really that good at school. -Gutter
18. In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, ‘Au revoir, gopher!’ -Droz

A Walk Down Memory Lane

As I strolled down memory lane, each step felt like a journey through time. Old familiar sights and sounds flooded my senses, bringing back a flood of emotions and nostalgia. I couldn’t help but smile as I recalled past adventures, shared laughter, and cherished moments spent with loved ones. The sights and sounds of my past surrounded me like a warm embrace, filling my heart with a sense of longing and gratitude for the memories that had shaped me into the person I am today. Each step on this walk down memory lane was a reminder of the richness of my life’s experiences and a gentle reminder to always cherish the moments that make life truly beautiful.

pcu quotes

1. A walk down memory lane is like opening a treasure chest filled with precious moments.
2. Memories are the threads that hold the fabric of our lives together.
3. In every memory, there is a story waiting to be remembered.
4. Sometimes all it takes is a walk down memory lane to remind us of who we are and where we’ve been.
5. The past is a place of reflection, not residence.
6. Every step we take down memory lane is a step closer to understanding ourselves.
7. Memories are like old friends, always there to remind us of the good times.
8. Walking down memory lane is like revisiting the chapters of our lives.
9. In the garden of memories, every flower has a story to tell.
10. The past is a bridge that connects our present to our future.
11. Memories are the footprints we leave behind on the sands of time.
12. Sometimes a walk down memory lane is all we need to find our way back home.
13. In the silence of reminiscence, we find the echoes of our past.
14. Memories are the soundtrack of our lives, playing on repeat in our hearts.
15. The best journeys are the ones that take us back in time through our memories.
16. A walk down memory lane is like flipping through the pages of our own personal history book.
17. Memories are like old photographs, capturing moments we never want to forget.
18. The beauty of memories is that they never fade, only grow more precious with time.

The Best Quotes from PCU

PCU is a hilarious cult classic film that is chock full of memorable quotes. From the rebellious slacker Droz exclaiming What’s this? You’re wearing the shirt of the band you’re going to see? Don’t be that guy to the wise words of pre-frosh Tom Lawrence declaring You can throw all the college courses you want at me, they can kick me out of school, but you can never stop my education, each line is a perfect blend of witty humor and insightful social commentary. These quotes perfectly capture the irreverent spirit of the film and are sure to leave viewers both laughing and thinking.

pcu quotes

1. Don’t be that guy. – Droz
2. We’re not going to protest. We’re going to party. – Droz
3. Potato, po-tah-to. Tomato, to-mah-to. Let’s call the whole thing off. – Rand
4. We’re here to drink beer and smoke cigarettes, and you know what? We’re all out of cigarettes. – Gutter
5. We’re the potty patrol. We’re here to keep you from crapping out. – James
6. Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them’s making a poop, the other one’s carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge? – Tom
7. What every revolution needs: chicks. – Droz
8. I did not get kicked out of PCU for that. I got kicked out for a completely different incident. – Tom
9. Don’t be a tool. – Rand
10. This is not a rebel group. This is a social organization with spirit. – Droz
11. If you want to join the pit, you’re going to get hit. – Gutter
12. I feel like such a pimp. – Tom
13. I don’t really think that the end of the world is a logical reason to go down to the pub. – James
14. I’m a history major. All I know is that everything has happened before. – Tom
15. People on ‘ludes should not drive! – Rand
16. Droz, what are you majoring in? – Rand Woman. – Droz
17. As long as I’m smoking and drinking, I know I’m still awake. – Tom
18. We’ve been waiting for you all morning. You walked in at 12:05. The party started at 11. – Droz

Memorable Quotes from PCU

Memorable Quotes from PCU is packed with hilarious one-liners and witty quips that will have you laughing out loud. From the iconic line, We’re not going to protest, to the clever comeback, What’s this lying bullshit? every quote in this cult classic film is sure to stay with you long after the credits roll. With a perfect blend of humor and satire, Memorable Quotes from PCU captures the absurdity of college life and the comical characters that inhabit it. This collection of quotes is a reminder of the film’s timeless humor and its ability to entertain audiences for years to come.

pcu quotes

1. Don’t be that guy.
2. If you wanna smoke sht, smoke sht.
3. We’re not going to protest. We’re going to drink beer.
4. You can always tell a Milford man… but you can’t tell him much.
5. It’s about time someone stood up to those fascist bastards.
6. This isn’t a protest. This is a barbecue.
7. I’m a human being, goddamnit! My life has value!
8. What’s this fascination with trilogies?
9. Don’t tell me about Led Zeppelin. I know the truth.
10. What I’d really like to do is something constructive with my life, like building huts for the homeless or planting trees. But that’s not gonna get me laid, now is it?
11. The George Lucas thing was just a smokescreen. The Star Wars trilogy was actually about the Vietnam War.
12. No, Rush is a band, not a liquid.
13. If I’m here and you’re here, doesn’t that make it OUR time? Certainly, there’s nothing wrong with a little feast on our time!
14. Do you realize if we played by the rules, right now we’d be in gym?
15. We’re not going anywhere; we’re not backing down… we’re here to tell Lemme, this is just the beginning.
16. This is the least offensive thing I could think of.
17. Hey, we’re just getting started!
18. Number 34. Blue 42. Green 98. Hut Hut!

In conclusion, the quotes from the movie PCU showcase the satirical and humorous way in which the film tackles issues related to political correctness and social activism on college campuses.

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