Quotes to Live By

Quotes to Live By is a collection of timeless wisdom and inspiration that serves as a daily guide for navigating life’s complexities and challenges. These poignant quotes, handpicked and carefully curated, offer insight, motivation, and comfort, reminding us of the power of resilience, compassion, and perseverance. Each quote is like a beacon of light, illuminating the path forward and encouraging us to embrace the beauty of the present moment. With words that resonate with the heart and soul, Quotes to Live By is a treasure trove of uplifting reminders that have the ability to uplift and inspire, making it an indispensable companion for anyone seeking guidance and solace in life’s journey.

quotes smith wigglesworth


Quotes from Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth was a dynamic and powerful preacher known for his faith and devotion to God. His quotes are filled with fervent belief and unwavering confidence in the power of prayer. Each quote is like a bolt of lightning, striking the heart and stirring the spirit to action. Wigglesworth’s words are a reminder of the strength and courage that can be found in faith, inspiring believers to trust in God’s promises and walk boldly in their calling. With a passionate zeal for souls and a deep love for God, Wigglesworth’s quotes continue to resonate with believers around the world, encouraging them to live a life fully surrendered to Christ.

quotes smith wigglesworth

1. Only believe! All things are possible to him who believes.

2. God means to fill the universe with Himself.

3. There are no impossibilities with God when we stand in the realm of faith.

4. Faith is the only thing that pleases God.

5. Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouses of God’s infinite grace and power.

6. If you want to see mighty wonders, you must have faith.

7. God’s will is that you should press forward with unrelenting faith.

8. It is essential we should meet the conditions in order for the power of God to be manifested in our lives.

9. God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine.

10. If your faith is in Jesus Christ your position is secure.

11. If you stay filled with the power of God you will have the anointing to break every yoke of the enemy.

12. To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.

13. All the power to be found in the realm of the Spirit will come as you seek to find and fulfill His will.

14. Faith is a house open to all the elements of heaven, where no storm can ever do harm.

15. There is nothing that cannot be done when we have faith in God.

16. When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works.

17. The largest things grow from the smallest beginnings.

18. God wants us to walk so closely to Him that we can catch the very notes of His voice.

Quotes from Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth was known for his powerful faith and belief in the miraculous power of God. His quotes are filled with bold declarations of God’s ability to heal the sick, raise the dead, and perform other miracles. In his words, there is a sense of unwavering confidence and unwavering trust in the divine, inspiring all who read them to have a deeper faith and trust in the limitless power of God. Smith Wigglesworth’s quotes are a testament to his incredible faith and serve as a reminder to believers everywhere to trust in God’s ability to do the impossible.

quotes smith wigglesworth

1. God is more willing to bless than we are to receive.
2. There is nothing impossible with God. All the impossibility is with us when we measure God by the limitations of our unbelief.
3. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
4. I rarely pray for more than half an hour, but I never go more than half an hour without praying.
5. Great faith will always bring the blessing of God.
6. There is no need to have great faith to work miracles, only faith in a great God.
7. Faith that will not stand being tested is not faith at all.
8. Let us never forget that what we are is more important than what we do.
9. Faith is the key to all the treasures of heaven.
10. God will always honor faith and stretch forth His hand to perform miracles.
11. Live in the atmosphere of heaven, and then the power of heaven will be upon you.
12. Live as near to Jesus as you can, and the power of heaven will be upon you.
13. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, and you will be a vessel fit for the Master’s use.
14. Never live without the consciousness of God’s presence in your life.
15. Pray in the Spirit at all times, and you will see miracles happen.
16. God wants us to be people of faith, not people of fear.
17. The greater the darkness, the brighter the light of God shines.
18. The key to living a victorious Christian life is to dwell in God’s presence and walk by faith, not by sight.

Powerful Quotes from Smith Wigglesworth to Ignite Your Faith

Powerful Quotes from Smith Wigglesworth to Ignite Your Faith is a compelling collection of wisdom and inspiration that resonates with the reader’s soul. With each quote, Smith Wigglesworth’s profound faith and unwavering belief in the power of God shine through, encouraging readers to embrace their own spiritual journey with renewed vigor and passion. As one delves into the pages of this book, they are met with words that challenge, uplift, and ignite a fire within, reminding them of the limitless potential that lies within a steadfast faith. Smith Wigglesworth’s timeless messages serve as a beacon of hope and guidance, empowering readers to walk boldly in their faith and trust in the miraculous power of God.

quotes smith wigglesworth

1. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2. God is more willing to give than we are to receive.
3. The Word of God is the only thing that can change your life.
4. If you can’t believe God for a miracle, you won’t get it.
5. The greater your faith, the greater your blessings.
6. God’s power is unlimited, but it requires faith to activate it.
7. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
8. Don’t limit God with your small thinking. He can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.
9. God has promised to meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory.
10. You were created to live in victory, not defeat. Walk in faith and see God’s power at work in your life.
11. When you pray, believe that you have received what you asked for, and it will be yours.
12. Don’t just pray for faith, but step out in faith and see what God will do.
13. God’s power is not limited by our circumstances, but by our faith.
14. God’s promises are like checks; we must cash them by faith.
15. Fear and faith cannot coexist. Choose faith and watch God move in your life.
16. God is looking for people who will trust Him fully and believe that He can do the impossible.
17. You can never walk in the fullness of God’s blessings until you walk in the fullness of faith.
18. God’s power is unleashed in the lives of those who believe without seeing.

The Wisdom of Smith Wigglesworth

The Wisdom of Smith Wigglesworth is a collection of powerful teachings and insights from the renowned British evangelist and healing minister, Smith Wigglesworth. Wigglesworth’s profound understanding of scripture and his unwavering faith in God’s power are evident in each passage, offering readers a glimpse into the mind of a man who witnessed countless miracles and divine interventions. His words resonate with wisdom and conviction, inspiring readers to deepen their relationship with God and step out in faith to experience the supernatural in their own lives. Wigglesworth’s timeless teachings continue to impact and encourage believers around the world, making this book a valuable resource for those seeking spiritual growth and transformation.

quotes smith wigglesworth

1. Faith is taking God at His word, and acting upon it.
2. God’s promises are like bank cheques – we need to cash them in by faith.
3. There is nothing impossible with God. All the impossibility is with us when we measure God by the limitations of our unbelief.
4. It’s not how much of the Holy Spirit you have, it’s how much of you the Holy Spirit has.
5. To be a real Christian is to live moment by moment by the power of the Holy Spirit.
6. Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.
7. The devil is not afraid of the shouting, but he is terrified of the believer who is quiet and confident in God.
8. You can never have too much of the Word of God in your heart.
9. A life of faith means living without the limits of human reasoning.
10. God does not always change our circumstances, but He can always change us in the midst of them.
11. The highest form of prayer is not asking, but praising.
12. God’s power is available to us when we humbly submit to His will.
13. God’s word is like a weapon – use it to defeat the enemy.
14. Patience is the fruit of trusting in God’s timing.
15. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. God is more interested in your progress than your perfection.
16. Trust in God’s love, even when you can’t understand His ways.
17. True faith is not just believing in God, but believing that God believes in you.
18. In every situation, choose to walk in the wisdom and power of God.

In conclusion, the quotes of Smith Wigglesworth provide valuable insights into faith, perseverance, and the power of prayer, inspiring individuals to trust in God and rely on His strength in all circumstances.

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